
The Minecraft Server

3203 views • last revised 06/30/2023

The official OrangeIsBetter Minecraft server is online! Visit it at! There are multiple servers for you to enjoy. There is an SMP server, a creative mode server, and a minigame server that is currently in the process of being made. The purpose of the server is for you to have fun. The server is not designed or intended to make a profit. There are no special tiers or ranks on this server, so everyone has the same rights to gameplay.

OrangeIsBetter Server Minecraft server

Running Servers

Servers in this list are set up, and will be running unless under scheduled maintenance.

Server Minecraft Version Description
Lobby 1.10+ The main server everyone connects to the first time
New Years 1.19.3 A Generic SMP server restarted on New Years Day every year. This is a whitelisted server available only to certain members.
Anarchy 1.10+ A classic anarchy server. There is no moderator involvement, unless things get very out of hand. No rules, no claims, no anything. Make alliances, enemies, and trades.
Creative 1.17.1+ A creative mode server in a superflat world for you to build whatever you want. This server supports claims, and has a ground height of 64, to allow for more developed underground builds.
Bedwars 1.10+ An exciting team-based Minecraft minigame in where players must protect their beds while simultaneously attempting to destroy the beds of other teams. The ultimate goal is to eliminate all opposing teams by strategically collecting resources, fortifying defenses, and launching attacks, all while ensuring the safety of your own bed as a respawn point.

Unfinished Servers

The servers in this list are not finished. They are in active development, or are planned to go into development. These are all whitelisted until their release.

Server Minecraft Version Planned Release Date Description
Spleef 1.10+ Summer 2023 A classic Minecraft free-for-all competitive minigame where players aim to break blocks beneath their opponents' feet, causing them to fall into a pit of lava. The last player remaining on the platform wins, requiring both strategy and quick reflexes to outmaneuver opponents and emerge victorious.
TNT Run 1.10+ Summer 2023 A classic Minecraft high-paced free-for-all minigame where players race across a series of floating platforms while the ground crumbles beneath them. As they run, TNT blocks ignite, making the challenge even more intense as players strive to be the last one standing.
MineKart 1.17.1 Late 2023 A thrilling minigame in Minecraft that draws inspiration from Nintendo's Mario Kart. With exciting modifications tailored for the Minecraft experience, players can enjoy course voting, item usage, and exhilarating races. From remakes of iconic Mario Kart tracks to the inclusion of Minecraft's unique elements, MineKart offers an engaging and entertaining racing experience for everyone.
The World 1.16+ Late 2024 A dynamic Minecraft game where players are split into two teams: the "World Destroyers" and the "World Builders." The World Destroyers strive to achieve specific goals aimed at destroying the world, while the World Builders work tirelessly to thwart their destructive plans. With weekly restarts and a variety of randomly chosen games, each with distinct rules and goals, The World offers an ever-changing and engaging gameplay experience.

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